Bush’s Visit To The Middle East
Bush’s visit to the Middle East is perfectly showing the world where Bush stands concerning each and every Arab country, and is proving -yet again- how unfair and unjust his statements, decisions, and most importantly his actions have been and continue to be regarding the region.
But still, one way or the other, Bush is made hero by his fans, and whatever he does is to them, wise, courageous, and right. Some even BELIEVE that Bush’s actually “leaving a formidable legacy behind him“!!! come again?! a formidable what?
Now I know anything I’d say contradicting this would make me look like an angry Arab who’s never happy with whatever comes from the west, but it’s not like that at all. It has to be made clear that positive change, just regulations, and laws to spread tolerance and co-existence are all welcomed by Arabs,that yes, not the biased interference that serves anyone but the victim!

Let’s take his visit to “Israel” for example. An excellent article written by Sam Bahour summarizes how Bush’s visit dealt with the Palestinian side in total ignorance, while supporting the Israeli side.
“As a matter of fact, the reality that Israel has successfully placed 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, over 50 percent of them children, in the dark and under the most draconian siege in recent history did not even make it to the margins of either leader’s speeches.” Bahour writes.
“Much more important issues were on Bush’s agenda. The need to realize and work on a “vision” for the future was in the forefront of Bush’s mind. “The parties” should now sit down and “negotiate a vision” — the parties being Israel, the fourth strongest military might in the world and a forty-year-long occupier, and the Palestinians, a stateless people who have been dispossessed by Israel for sixty years and under brutal military occupation by their colonizers for over four decades.
“Olmert was nearly jumping for joy as he praised Bush for increasing the comprehensive US aid package to Israel to a whopping $30 billion.”
I came across another wonderful article written by Mohammed Ali, describing the terrible situation in Gaza.He says: “What drives me and other Gazans crazy is that the international community can see all of the human rights violations being committed in Gaza and yet they choose not to take any action and instead remain silent. In the past I remember hearing the international community condemn such Israeli violations, but now, nothing.
One must conclude they are in favor of the Gaza siege because they support Israel’s declaration that Gaza is an “enemy entity” since Hamas took over the Strip, ignoring that there are civilians living in Gaza that cannot be blamed for anything other than residing in Gaza”.
And to show how USELESS Bush’s visit to the region is proving itself to be, the Gaza Strip remains with no running water, no enough food to feed its people, and is still suffering regular long lasting power cuts . As for peace, it’s not there either. Just this morning the Israeli army raided Gaza.
And what goes for Paletsine goes for the rest of the Middle East. To Bush, Arabs are the ones causing terror, instability, threats to the west and themselves. It’s not important that his “war on terror” brought only more terror and division among Arabs, leaving their countries suffering more pollution and destruction than ever; it’s not important that his plans to “implement democracy” in the region brought only more power to Israel and weakened other Arab countries while stripping them from their basic rights of expressing themselves lest they’ll be condemned of, again, terror; what really matters to Bush at the moment are two things: the high oil prices, and the “Iranian Issue”, yes those seem to be Bush’s main concerns.
Let’s wait and see what would Bush’s visit result in!