April 2 2009

The MOVE (2): To keep or not to Keep

Whenever there’s a big move, there’s clutter, and wherever there’s clutter, there are countless attempts of organizing, and this means sorting out what to keep and what to get rid of. Now this ‘get rid of’ part is easier said than done. I had piles of different kinds of stuff I wanted to get rid of, and I thought that by sorting them out, I’ve actually done the hard part, but turns out it’s what you’d do to your belongings and how you’d get rid of them that really matters. 

There were times I wished I could just put them in plastic bags and throw them out the window in the middle of the night and my problem would be solved.But I kept thinking how all the items are in great condition, and how there are many poor people out there who’d really use them. So I decided to give away stuff that I can not take away with me, and that I  wasn’t able to sell,  to charity.

Another  problem occured, how do I reach them? I had no idea, so I contacted some friends, and searched online, and the only one I was able to reach was miles and miles away in an area I’ve never heard of, and have no idea how to get to… so charity was crossed out; charity as in an organization, not as in the concept, I still wanted to help out as much as I could. So finally, I managed to get some people to lead me to poor families and guide me to places where I can find those in need, and I was so happy I was able to help even a little bit.

But then I came back home, and started packing, and found out that I still need to get rid of even more things! things I thought were too precious to be given away or sold, or thrown, but again, moving meant scarificing many things you love, and I had to give them away, yet again, but although I believed I’m not that possessive, and although I thought that I’m strong enough to handle this, I must admit that it’s really hard to empty a place you called home for a long time, and to give away things you worked so hard for, or things you waited so long to finally get… they might be useless, they might be cheap, they might be worn out, but they have many memories engraved in them, and they just make your heart beat so strong when you hold them… but I had to be strong, I had to be brave enough to make this hard decision.


I’m writing this from our small apartment in Dubai; I have my vanilla flavored coffee to my right, a yummy donut to my left, and right behind me, in the left corner of the room, there’s this big cardboard box that would actually smile back at me if it were alive… let’s just say, it turns out I could be a teeny bit possessive, if you know what I mean ;)

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Posted April 2, 2009 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Just Personal