September 17 2011

Prince El Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan: Making Sense of 9/11

Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan on how Americans and Middle Easterners can move past a decade scarred by 9/11 and the subsequent “war on terror” to embrace the new spirit of cooperation embodied by the Arab Spring:
“Over the past ten years, much has been written in an attempt to make sense of what happened on 11 September 2001. It is a difficult task. Analysing evil is not easy. Terror makes no sense to the rational mind. All that seems clear is that, for millions of Americans and the world at large, the events of that day will never become just a memory but will remain something they carry with them for the rest of their lives.”  continue reading…

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Posted September 17, 2011 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Arab Societies", "Media, International