September 24 2011

The Irvine 11: A Sad Day For Democracy

Today history was made, today a new lesson was taught, a lesson to all humanity about the value of freedom of speech, the fulfillment of justice, and the right to oppose ‘the other’:  no matter where you come from, no matter where you live, no matter how peaceful you’re doing it, if you ever protest the war crimes of Israel, you have to know that you are committing a crime greater than those you’re protesting.

Today peaceful voices were silenced,  productive members of society were found guilty of speaking their minds, nonviolent protesting was condemned, while the real criminal was set loose, yet again, while the real criminal is free,  again, and while injustice prevails, again and again. The Irvine 11,  my heart goes out to you, your families,  the justice that you stood up to, the freedom that you stand for…

Oh yes,  since we’re learning a valuable lesson about the lack of freedom of speech and the most basic forms of democracy, any comments supporting the Irvine 11 are more than welcome, and any that are against them will be proudly deleted, ignored, and thrown into trash.

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Posted September 24, 2011 by Eman Abukhadra in category "Media, International